Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Road Ahead

I hope you aren't holding your breath.

A long ride means a long planning period. There's much to be done before setting hoof on the trail. Horses must be selected and trained, routes mapped, supplies gathered, endless logistics untangled...

That's the fun part. Good thing, because I'll be doing it for years. At least two years -- likely more.

That, of course, is because of the less fun part: careers, finances, our farm. What we're going to do about those is a bit of a mystery.

Ah well. I'll solve it somehow.

1 comment:

  1. I have had this discussion with Tom many many times. Fortunately for him, he has had this opportunity and it is something I have wanted very badly ever since he first told me stories of it. The trip started in Columbus, NM and althought Tom didn't go the entire way, the final destination was the Canadian Border. The stories they told left me hungry for my own adventure ever since, but they did talk alot about how they should have planned better.Sounds like you are already doing just that!


Your comments are most welcome! It's always nice to be reminded that I'm not speaking into the void.